The model presented is a Honda Civic VIII 2.2 i-CDTi 16V 140hp
19 wrench or socket
13 flat key
15 flat key
Piston pusher
Brake cleaner
yarn to do
New pads
Jack + candles
We wedge the front wheel
We LOOSEN the bolts (we do not unscrew completely)
We install the jack
Release the handbrake
Open the hood
Locate the brake fluid reservoir
Open the cap
We lift the car and then unscrew the bolts
Secure with a candle
We remove the wheel
Put away the bolts
Nut 13 (x2)
15 nut (x2)
Key of 13
Key of 15
The 15 nut is a lock nut, which means that it must be locked in rotation in order to loosen the assembly.
Loosen the 13 nut while locking the 15 nut
You then have 2 screws
Push the pad holder to release it
Using wire, hold the pad holder so as not to damage the brake hose
Take out the wafer by hand
Remove the metal staples
Compare new pads to used ones
Thoroughly degrease the whole thing with brake cleaner.
Use the piston pusher
It is impossible to do this with a screwdriver because the piston must rotate on its axis to be pushed back.
Check that your brake fluid is not overflowing at the cap
Install the new screws supplied with the pads.
Put in the new staples
Put in the new pads
Proceed to reassembly in reverse order.
Easy operation to do yourself but you have to be rigorous because it involves braking!
Pump the brake pedal when starting to push the pistons.
Brake gently to break in the pads
Easy operation to do yourself but you have to be rigorous because it involves braking!
Pump the brake pedal when starting to push the pistons.
Brake gently to break in the pads
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thanks good replacement tutorial
Nickel, I was looking for the reason why the piston did not fit...3 hours of searching and I found it thanks to your tutorial. After having acquired the piston pusher, pads changed in 30' (on one wheel). On the other hand, I am surprised by the very poor quality of the Honda pads. They disintegrate...I understand why they do not last more than 40,000 km. Replaced by Brembo. Thanks again!
This is Top…congratulations! Pat B.