Vehicle engine 1.4 HDi 70 hp
Leaking injector seals are a common problem on PSA's 1.4 HDI engine.
The symptoms are:
- a smell of exhaust gas in the passenger compartment.
- a characteristic sound of compressed air escaping from the combustion chamber.
- exhaust fumes in the engine compartment.
Open the hood and remove the engine cover
The injectors are located under the air filter housing
Start by removing the air filter housing cover.
Unscrew the 3 screws on the cover with a T20 torx key
Remove the cover
Unscrew the 2 T20 screws from the air box
On the box is the air mass flow meter
Use a T20 torx key to remove the 2 retaining screws
Disconnect the electrical connector from the air mass meter
Unscrew the air line fastener
Remove the air line
Disconnect the battery before working on the electrical system, for safety and to avoid an error message when restarting the vehicle.
Disconnect the intake air pressure sensor located under the windshield bay
Use a 10 key
Temporarily remove the oil filler cap to facilitate removal of the air box.
The second half of the air line is connected to the back of the air box. Reach behind it to unplug it
Carefully remove the air box from its location.
Then you have to remove the various air intake elements
Remove the clamp holding the pipe to the turbocharger using a flat screwdriver.
Unhook the line and pull slightly to remove the second small air line
Remove the 8mm screw between the turbocharger and the air resonator
Unscrew the resonator attachment on the rocker cover using a T30 torx key.
Remove the collar between the resonator and the rocker cover.
Disconnect the intake air temperature sensor
Remove the pipe first
Then rotate the assembly to place it
Continue by removing the fuel system
Start with the fuel filter
Unscrew the vacuum air line clamp attached to the top of the filter
Disconnect the first hose from the filter
Then disconnect the second hose from the diesel filter
Unscrew the screw holding the filter on its support with a T20 torx key
Gently remove the filter from its support and disconnect the electrical connector located underneath
The fuel filter bracket is fixed at 3 points. Use an 8 mm socket with an extension and a T30 torx key
Disconnect the 4 electrical plugs from the injectors
The injector wiring harness passes through the bracket
Lift the gray ring to disconnect the harness
Separate the bracket and electrical wiring from the injectors
Remove the diesel filter support
To the left of the engine is the upper timing belt cover attached to the rocker cover.
Remove the 5 fixing screws with a 7 mm socket
Several elements are positioned on the casing. An electrical cable sheath is held in place by a plastic clip
The diesel feed pipes are also fixed to the crankcase
Disconnect the diesel hoses
Remove the upper timing belt cover
Unscrew the hose clamp on the rocker cover with a T30 torx key
The hose bundle is attached to the air manifold. Use a flat screwdriver to unclip it
Disconnect the electrical plug
Disconnect the diesel supply pipes
Check that nothing is connected and remove the complete harness.
The exhaust gas recirculation system is attached to the intake air manifold
Use a T30 torx key on the two fixing screws
Separate the EGR valve line
Disconnect the last two sensors
Remove the 8 screws on the top of the rocker cover with an 8mm socket
And the 2 10 mm screws below the air manifold. Directly above the air box supports
Check that nothing is still attached to the rocker cover.
Pull up to drop it
Remove the 4 O-rings from the intake air manifold
The leak is coming from the seal of this injector
Carefully protect the cylinder head cover and plug the air intake manifold holes.
Clean as much as possible with a degreaser before removing the injectors
Even if the leak comes from only one injector, it is essential to remove all 4 injectors in order to replace the 4 seals
Use a 14 injector wrench to loosen the high pressure line nut.
Remove the flange screw holding the injector with a 13mm socket.
Remove the screw and the flange
Disconnect the diesel line harness from the 4 injectors
Carefully remove the injector from its well
Plug the injector wells and continue cleaning the top of the engine cylinder head
Arrange the injectors in the exact order of removal. It is essential not to mix up the injector/cylinder combination.
The defective seal
Clean the injectors without touching the tip at the risk of blocking it
The kit includes the centering ring + copper gasket. The plastic centering ring is usually destroyed due to the leak that goes up the length of the injector.
Carefully clean the injector wells
Place the injector in its initial position
Place the flange and screw ensuring that the alignment with the high pressure line is correct
Tighten the screw with a torque wrench The tightening torque of the injector flange is 2.5 daN.m
Tighten the high pressure line nut with a torque wrench. The tightening torque for the high pressure nuts is 2.5 daN.m
Reconnect the diesel line harness
Remove the old gasket placed in the rocker cover part then clean the groove and place the new gasket
Lightly lubricate the new O-rings and place them on the rocker cover to make reinstallation easier.
Clean the gasket surfaces without contaminating the inside of the cylinder head and air inlets
Reinstall the rocker cover / air manifold. Tighten the 8 + 2 screws
Reinstall the diesel pipes
Replace the upper timing belt cover. Secure the various components to it.
Reinstall the fuel filter support
Then the diesel filter
Re-prime the diesel circuit with the pump
Connect the injectors
Reinstall the intake air resonator
And the air mass flow meter
Reconnect the battery. Wait 5 minutes for the computer to initialize before turning on the ignition.
Check that everything is correctly reassembled, screwed, wired...
Replace the air box
Check for proper operation
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14 other people completed this guide.
Hello, why don't my plastic centering rings have the same internal diameter as the injector body? The rings swing on the injector body, and the ring does not fit into the conduit??? However, the kit I bought: M928A01, corresponds well to my Citroen C2 vehicle JM engine from 06/18/2004…
We agree, the ring must fit the injector body without play?
Hello, is it mandatory to have a special injector key 14?
Hello and thank you for this tutorial. Small question. The pipe that goes from the injector to the venturi (a sort of diesel power strip where the bulb is also connected) this pipe is divided into 3. a large pipe, a non-return valve marked with an arrow and another small piece of pipe. I put it back together backwards because I followed the direction of the diesel flow, after all, it seemed logical to me with the arrow. And yet the arrow should be pointing towards the venturi and not the injectors. So is it really a non-return valve? I was able to start and run the car but I have the anti-pollution system error. Tomorrow I will put it back as it was but do you know why the arrow shows the opposite direction of the fuel?
Thank you for this very well done tutorial!
I got to the end, it took me a week and a half, partly because of the cleaning...but being a total novice in mechanics I took my time.
The restart took me two days, recharging the battery, starting with the charger-starter, major re-priming of the diesel pump and pilot start in the air line, it finally restarted.
The engine light stayed on for two days (+ 3 beeps) then nothing...
The engine works perfectly, nothing to report.
Thanks again.