No tools specified.
Open the driver's door and pull the release lever towards you.
Reach under the hood and lift the tab.
Once your hood is open, put the safety rod in place so that your hood stays open
Locate the bulb location behind the headlight
Remove the soft cover from the bulb holder
Turn the bulb holder clockwise and then pull towards you
Remove the old bulb from its holder by simply pulling
Compare the old and the new bulb
Place the new bulb in the bulb holder
Reposition the bulb holder in the intended location, push and turn the bulb holder into its location to lock it
Replace the soft cover
Close the hood and test the operation of the new bulb
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Hello, I have a 2011 Clio Campus petrol. I got it on the passenger side without going to the garage, by removing the two screws above the headlight to give some slack and I removed the clips from the air conditioning circuit to give more space.
And yet I have big hands, but I still left a little skin!!!
Can someone also put the type of bulbs I only read H7. Dual beam headlight and full beam? (sidelight too). Thanks
On a Clio 2, whether it's the passenger side headlight or the driver's headlight, same fight. Both are almost inaccessible for reassembly. And I think Renault did it on purpose, so that you have to go to their place or to a garage to change a bulb. Bunch of Renault rats. Next vehicle it won't be a Renault but a vehicle that I would have taken care to check before purchase whether to change a bulb, that you don't have to call Tinkerbell or take everything apart. Atrocious policy, really.
The tutorial is useful because it provides information on turning the bracket to remove it blindly, but on the passenger side it is clockwise when disassembling and access is much narrower. You can do it with thin arms and hands, but I also injured the back of my hand when reassembling.
I unscrewed the headlight above and pulled it towards me to gain an angle.
Bulb changed in 10 minutes.