Video Overview
Unscrew the 2 caliper bolts with a 13 ratchet. Remember to release the handbrake.
Remember to disconnect the pad wear indicator
Lift the caliper and tie it to the shock absorber with a wire to keep your hands free.
Push the piston back to the stop (using the piston pusher )
Remove the 2 old pads and check the correspondence with the new ones.
Unscrew the 4 hub screws using the ratchet and a 17 socket.
Remove the 2 caliper bracket bolts with the Allen key
Remove the caliper bracket
Unscrew the 2 disk screws using a 12 mm Allen key.
Remove your disk
Check the correspondence between the new and old disc (use clean gloves)
Clean the brake disc with brake cleaner and a clean cloth
Clean the hubs using a brush
Clean the caliper bracket using a brush and cloth
Tighten the 2 caliper support bolts
Tighten the 4 hub bolts
Check the correspondence between the old and new brake pads
Replace the 2 pads
Always the linings facing the disc
Unhook the stirrup from the wire
Tighten the 2 caliper bolts using your 13 ratchet and your 17 wrench.
Press the piston while pressing your brake pedal until it becomes hard.
Check the brake fluid level
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