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En cours
Ce tutoriel est en cours de création. Revenez de temps en temps pour voir les modifications.
Ce tutoriel a été créé par la communauté
User contributed
Tutoriel de reference
L’équipe Oscaro considére ce tutoriel d’excellente qualité
Tutoriel complet
Ce tutoriel contribué par la communauté est complet et prêt pour l'examen de l'équipe Oscaro.
Etapes manquantes
Ce guide est incomplet, il manque des étapes importantes
fautes de grammaire ou d'orthographe
Ce guide comporte des erreurs grammaticales ou ne respecte pas les lignes directrices de rédaction du site.
Images pas de bonnes qualités
This guide has low-quality images. Pictures need to be either re-edited or re-taken.Le guide contient des images de mauvaises qualité.
Markup Problems
le balisage n 'est pas au bon endroit
Incorrect Bullets
This guide contains bullet colors that do not match markup, or improperly-used bullet types.
Unnecessary Steps
Ce guide contient des etapes qui ne sont pas necessaires
Missing Prerequisites
This guide is missing prerequisite guides.
Incorrect Prerequisites
This guide has incorrect prerequisite guides.
Inconsistent Images
This guide contains images that are inconsistent with prerequisites.
Incorrect Text
This guide contains steps with ambiguous, improper, duplicate, misleading, or off-topic text.
Incorrect Tools
This guide contains steps that use incorrect tools in images and/or text.
Improper Action
This guide contains images that improperly convey how to perform a specific action.
Prerequisite Only
This guide is only used as a prerequisite for other guides and is not a complete or useful guide when viewed independently.
Request Guide Deletion
This guide will be reviewed by admins for deletion.
Wiki Flags
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In Progress
This wiki is unfinished.
Category Stub
This category wiki is a stub. Help the site by adding information to it!
Incomplete Repair Manual
This guide is incomplete. Help the site by adding more information about the category and step-by-step guides!
Page Stub
This wiki page is a stub. Help the site by adding information to it!
Documentation Needed
This stub helps to identify categories that haven't been well documented. Help the site by finding poorly documented categories and identifying them with this stub!
No Summary
This wiki does not have a summary. Help the site by writing one!
No Image
This wiki is missing a category image. Help the site by uploading one!
No Category
This page hasn't yet been categorized. Our admins will be around to organize this content soon!
Improper Formatting
This wiki does not meet the site's formatting guidelines.
Incorrect Text
This wiki has information which is deemed incorrect, misleading, or unclear.
Grammatical Errors
This wiki has grammatical errors or does not meet the site's writing guidelines.
Unsatisfactory Image
This wiki has a low-quality photo. Please help the site by either re-editing or re-taking the photo!
Duplicate Category
This category page is a duplicate with another category. Please merge this content into the canonical category.
Request Page Deletion
This page is being considered for deletion by moderators.