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Remove the engine cover with a 10 socket ratchet (3 screws + the oil dipstick)

Remove the ignition rail by unclipping it then extracting it to the side

Glow plugs are accessible
    • Remove the engine cover with a 10 socket ratchet (3 screws + the oil dipstick)

    • Remove the ignition rail by unclipping it then extracting it to the side

    • Glow plugs are accessible

    • Clean with a blower

Put penetrating oil to facilitate the disassembly of the spark plugs

Loosen the 4 spark plugs using the spark plug wrench and of the ratchet then extract them from their well
    • Put penetrating oil to facilitate the disassembly of the spark plugs

    • Loosen the 4 spark plugs using the spark plug wrench and of the ratchet then extract them from their well

    • Lubricate the thread of each spark plug with the gauge.

Check the correspondence between the new and old spark plugs (size, thread, connectors)
    • Check the correspondence between the new and old spark plugs (size, thread, connectors)

First, screw the 4 spark plugs back in then tighten with the ratchet.

Do not overtighten the spark plugs to avoid breaking them.

Reposition the ignition ramp
    • First, screw the 4 spark plugs back in then tighten with the ratchet.

    • Do not overtighten the spark plugs to avoid breaking them.

    • Reposition the ignition ramp

    • Perform an engine start test

    • Replace the cover (the 3 screws and the gauge)

Finish Line


Member since: 11/23/2014

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Oscaro Team Member of Oscaro Team

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Be careful to wear gloves when removing hot candles.

For tightening without a torque wrench, first tighten by hand and then turn 1/4 turn, which corresponds to approximately 18nm.

Umut DENIZCI - Reply

Hot or cold disassembly of spark plugs????


Sterling Rohr - Reply

Good morning,

It is advisable to change the spark plugs when the engine is warm.


The Oscaro Team

thibaut.ansaldi -

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