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Securing the vehicle: removing and refitting the wheel

Unscrew and then remove the two disk screws with the T40 Torx key

Unscrew and then remove the two disk screws with the T40 Torx key
Using a flat screwdriver, remove the spring from its location.

Using a flat screwdriver, remove the spring from its location.

Using a flat screwdriver, remove the spring from its location.
    • Using a flat screwdriver, remove the spring from its location.

Push the piston back with a screwdriver to separate the pads from the disc

Push the piston back with a screwdriver to separate the pads from the disc
    • Push the piston back with a screwdriver to separate the pads from the disc

Remove the 2 column caps behind the caliper

Remove the 2 column caps behind the caliper

Remove the 2 column caps behind the caliper
    • Remove the 2 column caps behind the caliper

Unscrew the 2 columns holding the brake caliper with the 7 mm Allen key.

Unscrew the 2 columns holding the brake caliper with the 7 mm Allen key.

Unscrew the 2 columns holding the brake caliper with the 7 mm Allen key.
    • Unscrew the 2 columns holding the brake caliper with the 7 mm Allen key.

Remove the brake pad placed on the piston by pulling towards you

Remove the brake pad placed on the piston by pulling towards you

Remove the brake pad placed on the piston by pulling towards you
    • Remove the brake pad placed on the piston by pulling towards you

Remove the second brake pad

Remove the second brake pad

Remove the second brake pad
    • Remove the second brake pad

Unscrew and remove the two caliper bracket screws with an 18 wrench.

Unscrew and remove the two caliper bracket screws with an 18 wrench.

Unscrew and remove the two caliper bracket screws with an 18 wrench.
    • Unscrew and remove the two caliper bracket screws with an 18 wrench.

Remove the caliper bracket

Remove the caliper bracket
    • Remove the caliper bracket

Remove the brake disc. Make a few hammer blows behind the disc to make it easier to remove.

Remove the brake disc. Make a few hammer blows behind the disc to make it easier to remove.

Remove the brake disc. Make a few hammer blows behind the disc to make it easier to remove.
    • Remove the brake disc. Make a few hammer blows behind the disc to make it easier to remove.

Clean the hub with brake cleaner then scrub with a wire brush

Clean the 4 caliper support bearings with cleaner and then a wire brush.

Clean the 4 caliper support bearings with cleaner and then a wire brush.
    • Clean the hub with brake cleaner then scrub with a wire brush

    • Clean the 4 caliper support bearings with cleaner and then a wire brush.

Compare old and new brake pads (shapes)

Compare old and new brake disc (diameter)

Compare old and new brake disc (diameter)
    • Compare old and new brake pads (shapes)

    • Compare old and new brake disc (diameter)

Replace the disc on the hub

Replace the two screws and tighten

Replace the two screws and tighten
    • Replace the disc on the hub

    • Replace the two screws and tighten

Replace the two caliper bracket screws

Tighten the two screws

Tighten the two screws
    • Replace the two caliper bracket screws

    • Tighten the two screws

Grease the two brake caliper columns

Reposition the two columns by pushing them in

Reposition the two columns by pushing them in
    • Grease the two brake caliper columns

    • Reposition the two columns by pushing them in

Replace the first brake pad

Replace the first brake pad
    • Replace the first brake pad

Insert the piston pusher into the caliper and push the piston back by turning the crank.

Insert the piston pusher into the caliper and push the piston back by turning the crank.
    • Insert the piston pusher into the caliper and push the piston back by turning the crank.

Insert the springs of the second brake pad into the piston

Insert the springs of the second brake pad into the piston
    • Insert the springs of the second brake pad into the piston

Replace the brake caliper and tighten the two columns.

Replace the brake caliper and tighten the two columns.
    • Replace the brake caliper and tighten the two columns.

Replace the spring starting at the bottom then finishing by pushing the top back

Check that the spring fits properly into the holes by tapping with the hammer.

Check that the spring fits properly into the holes by tapping with the hammer.
    • Replace the spring starting at the bottom then finishing by pushing the top back

    • Check that the spring fits properly into the holes by tapping with the hammer.

Replace the two caps

Press the brake pedal several times to bring the brake pads as close as possible to the disc for optimal braking.

Press the brake pedal several times to bring the brake pads as close as possible to the disc for optimal braking.
    • Replace the two caps

    • Press the brake pedal several times to bring the brake pads as close as possible to the disc for optimal braking.

Finish Line

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Member since: 11/23/2014

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Oscaro Team Member of Oscaro Team

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Good tutorial, too bad the tightening torques are missing. Well done to the author anyway

daniel.pinguet - Reply

Very well done tutorial. One remark however: We can see the presence of a thread lock on the screws holding the pad holder. The screws are not cleaned and no thread lock when reassembling. Personally I would use some and I would look at the tightening torques in the technical review. Best regards

Gérard Asling - Reply

Perfect. Impossible to miss!


bruno domergue - Reply

Well done! Great tutorial, thanks!

frederic BALIROS - Reply

I wouldn't have gotten through it without this excellent tutorial, thank you.

christian ceruti - Reply

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