Disassemble the caliper
Pay attention to the brake hoses. They must never be under stress.
Remove the two 16 mm screws using the ratchet and socket.
Remove the screed
Divide the BTR screw by 6
Remove the old disc, using a hammer if necessary.
Take the opportunity to clean the handbrake pads with brake cleaner.
Mount the new disk
Screw in the 7 mm BTR screw that holds the disc in place
Install the caliper
Screw in the two 7 mm BRT screws
Put back the covers
Reassemble the wheel
Tighten the screws to the torque using the torque wrench
Do the same for the other side
Reassemble the wheels respecting the tightening torques
Put the vehicle back on the ground
Pump the brake pedal several times
Check the brake fluid level, which should be between the minimum and maximum levels.
The first braking should be done at low speed to defrost the brakes.
It is necessary to carry out a 500 km running-in after replacing the front brakes.
It is necessary to carry out a 500 km running-in after replacing the front brakes.
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Hello, just a quick question about the clip, on my car there was only one clip on the right rear brake, nothing on the left, is this normal?
And what is this clip for?
Should the wear indicator turn off automatically as soon as new pads are installed?
Thank you and kind regards.