The filter is located behind the air hose and the air filter (under the brake fluid reservoir)
Tilt the 4 metal clips (outwards)
Loosen the air hose clamp and then remove the hose from the cover
Unclip the air flow controller connector and remove the cover
Take out the filter
Remove filter
Unscrew the 3 screws with a 10 mm socket + extension + ratchet
The box body is removed
Unclip the water presence detector connector
Using needle-nose pliers or a power strip, compress each of the spring clamps and disconnect the 4 hoses.
Using a 12mm socket wrench, loosen the bracket fixing screws then remove the bracket with the filter
View of the support and filter assembly
Remove the lower part with its cable and connectors (water presence detector)
Loosen the cartridge using a strap wrench or multi-grip pliers, with the support locked in a vice with jaws or a simple cloth to avoid damaging the part.
Check the dimensions of the old and new filter
Reassemble the lower part with the new seal (provided), screw in the cartridge with its new seal (provided) and insert the cable support
Reposition the assembly on the car, tighten the 2 bracket screws, reconnect the 4 pipes and the water presence sensor connector
Once everything is in place, pump 20 to 30 times until it becomes hard, reassemble, air box, filter, cover, hose and plug in the air flow sensor connector and start. That's it!
Almost done!
Finish Line