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Draining and replacing the oil filter on a 110 HP 1L engine (DKRC) on a Fabia Combi from February 2019

Run the car for about 5 minutes to thin the engine oil
    • Run the car for about 5 minutes to thin the engine oil

Remove the 9 Torx screws from the engine cover

Remove the 9 Torx screws from the engine cover
    • Remove the 9 Torx screws from the engine cover

Loosen the drain plug located at the rear of the crankcase using a 19 socket.

Place a drain can under the engine crankcase to collect the oil.

Remove the drain plug completely
    • Loosen the drain plug located at the rear of the crankcase using a 19 socket.

    • Place a drain can under the engine crankcase to collect the oil.

    • Remove the drain plug completely

    • Remove the engine oil filler cap located on top of the engine

Remove the air conditioning control socket located just in front of the oil filter

Unscrew the oil filter using the filter wrench
    • Remove the air conditioning control socket located just in front of the oil filter

    • Unscrew the oil filter using the filter wrench

    • Collect the oil in a drain can

Put oil on the gasket of the new oil filter

Clean the oil filter seating surface on the crankcase using a rag
    • Put oil on the gasket of the new oil filter

    • Clean the oil filter seating surface on the crankcase using a rag

    • Screw the oil filter until the gasket is in good contact with its support

Make a chalk mark and tighten the filter 3/4 turn

Replace the air conditioning control socket

Replace the air conditioning control socket
    • Make a chalk mark and tighten the filter 3/4 turn

    • Replace the air conditioning control socket

Replace the drain plug with its seal. The seal is inseparable

Screw the drain plug back on the crankcase and tighten it moderately.
    • Replace the drain plug with its seal. The seal is inseparable

    • Screw the drain plug back on the crankcase and tighten it moderately.

The car must be flat for a proper oil level check

Refill with new oil

Wait a few minutes for the level to stabilize
    • The car must be flat for a proper oil level check

    • Refill with new oil

    • Wait a few minutes for the level to stabilize

    • Check that the level is as close as possible to the maximum on the oil dipstick. Top up the oil if necessary. Close the oil filler cap

    • Do not exceed the maximum gauge.

    • Run the engine for about 1 minute and check for oil leaks.

    • Wait and check the level on the dipstick. Top up the oil if necessary.

    • Replace the protective cover under the engine, taking care to place the tabs at the front in the slots provided for this purpose.

Switch off the ignition and wait until there is no longer any display in the instrument cluster.

Press and hold the 0.0/SET button on the instrument cluster

Turn the ignition back on while continuing to press the 0.0/SET button and wait for the message "Reset Maintenance Service" to appear. Release the 0.0/SET button
    • Switch off the ignition and wait until there is no longer any display in the instrument cluster.

    • Press and hold the 0.0/SET button on the instrument cluster

    • Turn the ignition back on while continuing to press the 0.0/SET button and wait for the message "Reset Maintenance Service" to appear. Release the 0.0/SET button

    • Press the 0.0/SET key again until the message “Service Maintenance Reset” appears.

    • Release the button

Switch off the ignition and wait until there is no longer any display in the instrument cluster.

Press and hold the 0.0/SET button on the instrument cluster

Turn the ignition back on while continuing to press the 0.0/SET button and wait for the message "Reset Oil Change Service" to appear. Release the 0.0/SET button
    • Switch off the ignition and wait until there is no longer any display in the instrument cluster.

    • Press and hold the 0.0/SET button on the instrument cluster

    • Turn the ignition back on while continuing to press the 0.0/SET button and wait for the message "Reset Oil Change Service" to appear. Release the 0.0/SET button

    • Press the 0.0/SET button again until the message "Oil change service in 15000 km" appears.

    • Release the button

Filling out the car maintenance log
    • Filling out the car maintenance log

    • Dispose of consumables, oil, oil filter, rags and drain plug at the recycling center

Finish Line

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