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This tutorial is carried out on a Mini One phase I - 1.6l 90cv

Video Overview

Securing the vehicle

After securing, locate the sump plug located under the vehicle.

Using a ratchet and a 13 socket, loosen the crankcase plug.
    • Securing the vehicle

    • After securing, locate the sump plug located under the vehicle.

    • Using a ratchet and a 13 socket, loosen the crankcase plug.

Place a tray under the crankcase

Unscrew the crankcase cap by hand.

Remove the plug and allow the oil to drain completely into the pan.
    • Place a tray under the crankcase

    • Unscrew the crankcase cap by hand.

    • Remove the plug and allow the oil to drain completely into the pan.

    The direction of the arrows is not correct I think

    romainbeauchef - Reply

Open the passenger side door

Pull the handle located at the bottom left

The latch is located under the hood next to the left headlight of the car, open the hood
    • Open the passenger side door

    • Pull the handle located at the bottom left

    • The latch is located under the hood next to the left headlight of the car, open the hood

Locate the oil filter location

Using a ratchet and socket 36 loosen the oil filter bell

Unscrew and remove the oil filter bell from its location.
    • Locate the oil filter location

    • Using a ratchet and socket 36 loosen the oil filter bell

    • Unscrew and remove the oil filter bell from its location.

Remove the oil filter from the bell

Compare old and new oil filter (dimensions)

Remove the seal placed all around the bell
    • Remove the oil filter from the bell

    • Compare old and new oil filter (dimensions)

    • Remove the seal placed all around the bell

Clean the oil filter housing with brake cleaner.

Clean the oil filter housing with brake cleaner.

Clean the oil filter housing with brake cleaner.
    • Clean the oil filter housing with brake cleaner.

Lubricate the new seal with a little oil

Place the new gasket around the bell

Place the new gasket around the bell
    • Lubricate the new seal with a little oil

    • Place the new gasket around the bell

Replace the new oil filter in the bell then clip it

Replace the new oil filter in the bell then clip it

Replace the new oil filter in the bell then clip it
    • Replace the new oil filter in the bell then clip it

Clean the oil filter holder with brake cleaner

Replace the filter in its location and screw it in by hand first.

Tighten the oil filter bell with a 36 socket.
    • Clean the oil filter holder with brake cleaner

    • Replace the filter in its location and screw it in by hand first.

    • Tighten the oil filter bell with a 36 socket.

Place and screw the crankcase plug in by hand.

Tighten the crankcase plug

Tighten the crankcase plug
    • Place and screw the crankcase plug in by hand.

    • Tighten the crankcase plug

Unscrew the filler cap

Place a funnel and pour at least 4.5 liters of oil

Remove the dipstick, wipe it and re-immerse it
    • Unscrew the filler cap

    • Place a funnel and pour at least 4.5 liters of oil

    • Remove the dipstick, wipe it and re-immerse it

Start the engine

The oil light should disappear on the dashboard

The oil light should disappear on the dashboard
    • Start the engine

    • The oil light should disappear on the dashboard

Remove the dipstick and check the oil level on the dipstick

The correct oil level should be just below the maximum

Re-insert the oil dipstick and screw the filler cap back on.
    • Remove the dipstick and check the oil level on the dipstick

    • The correct oil level should be just below the maximum

    • Re-insert the oil dipstick and screw the filler cap back on.

Finish Line

One other person completed this guide.


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The caps are very hard to unscrew, they stick over time, I had to use a 1.5 meter bar. The oil filter bell is also hard to unscrew

Kevin Soquet - Reply

Very clear and simple tutorial to do.

In my case, I have to do the oil change of the 2004 R50 where the previous owner had the delicate idea of putting thread lock on the drain plug and on the oil filter. Result: A rounded plug that has not moved an inch (I even tried hot and cold, nothing works), Same for the oil filter despite a lever arm (tube) of almost 1 m. In short, oil change done by suction, but for the filter…


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