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When a diesel engine is running at low revs or idling, some of the exhaust gases are not burned. The engine then releases excess nitrogen oxide and fine particles into the atmosphere, which violates European anti-pollution standards.

In order to reduce these emissions, manufacturers have installed a valve part which redirects these exhaust gases towards the injection, to burn them a second time, this is the operating principle of an EGR valve.

Although ingenious, this system has the disadvantage of clogging the injection system over time. The EGR valve itself can end up being completely clogged with soot. If the valve of a clogged valve remains in the closed position, your vehicle operates normally, but it pollutes more. On the other hand, a valve that is permanently open risks seriously damaging your intake system.

This is why it is recommended to clean the EGR valve especially when you do little highway driving and short journeys.

During the entire operation, do not turn on the ignition. Avoid opening the doors or doing anything that could wake up the computer!

Open the hood and wait about 15 minutes before starting (for safety)

I did not disconnect the battery for this operation
    • During the entire operation, do not turn on the ignition. Avoid opening the doors or doing anything that could wake up the computer!

    • Open the hood and wait about 15 minutes before starting (for safety)

    • I did not disconnect the battery for this operation

    • Open the hood

    • Locate the 4 screws that hold the engine cover

    • Unscrew the 4 screws using a 6 mm Allen key.

Remove the engine cover

Locate the EGR valve

The EGR valve is located at the inlet of the intake manifold
    • Remove the engine cover

    • Locate the EGR valve

    • The EGR valve is located at the inlet of the intake manifold

Locate the connector

Press the 2 clips to release the connector

Pull on it to unplug it
    • Locate the connector

    • Press the 2 clips to release the connector

    • Pull on it to unplug it

Locate the small hose (follow the connector sheath from the previous step)

Using a flat screwdriver, disconnect the hose

Using a flat screwdriver, disconnect the hose
    • Locate the small hose (follow the connector sheath from the previous step)

    • Using a flat screwdriver, disconnect the hose

Locate the metal clamp

Using a flat screwdriver, undo the collar completely

Using a flat screwdriver, undo the collar completely
    • Locate the metal clamp

    • Using a flat screwdriver, undo the collar completely

The intake hose is held in place by a clip

Use a screwdriver to pry the clip off.

Disconnect the intake hose by pulling on it
    • The intake hose is held in place by a clip

    • Use a screwdriver to pry the clip off.

    • Disconnect the intake hose by pulling on it

The valve is fixed to the intake manifold by 4 CHC screws (they form a square)

The bottom right screw is completely hidden, it is impossible to see it
    • The valve is fixed to the intake manifold by 4 CHC screws (they form a square)

    • The bottom right screw is completely hidden, it is impossible to see it

Using a universal joint and a size 8 hex bit, unscrew the bottom left screw

For the top right screw, you have a hole to pass the hexagon key through

The screw at the bottom right is the most difficult to undo since it is not visible and also quite inaccessible.
    • Using a universal joint and a size 8 hex bit, unscrew the bottom left screw

    • For the top right screw, you have a hole to pass the hexagon key through

    • The screw at the bottom right is the most difficult to undo since it is not visible and also quite inaccessible.

Once you have removed the 4 screws from the valve you can remove it from the engine

Once you have removed the 4 screws from the valve you can remove it from the engine
    • Once you have removed the 4 screws from the valve you can remove it from the engine

The EGR valve is relatively unclogged for a car with 100,000 km

You can clean it using brake cleaner or gasoline.

The valve must be perfectly dry before being reassembled!
    • The EGR valve is relatively unclogged for a car with 100,000 km

    • You can clean it using brake cleaner or gasoline.

    • The valve must be perfectly dry before being reassembled!

I always clean by putting brake cleaner on paper towels and not directly inside the EGR valve.

You can remove the soot film with a flathead screwdriver

I didn't have time to do a deep clean so plan to park the car for at least an afternoon or more.
    • I always clean by putting brake cleaner on paper towels and not directly inside the EGR valve.

    • You can remove the soot film with a flathead screwdriver

    • I didn't have time to do a deep clean so plan to park the car for at least an afternoon or more.

    • Reassembly is carried out in the reverse order.

    • Disassembly 1 hour (taking photos)

    • Cleaning 30 min to 1 hour

    • Reassembly took more than 2 hours because of the screw that had to be replaced blindly (moreover it fell into the lower engine several times so provide a magnet)


Disassembly is not complicated, unlike reassembly which can quickly become an ordeal. You have to take your time and provide recovery tools such as magnets and a telescopic rod. An inspection mirror can also help you locate the screw hole.

Soot is very messy so don't do this just anywhere.

I thought I would do everything in 2 hours (taking the photos) but in reality it took me more than double!

4 other people completed this guide.


Member since: 10/04/2015

6,392 Reputation

34 Guides authored


Good morning,

Very good tutorial, well done!

I have just carried out the cleaning in an operation of changing the glow plugs. Two were defective out of 6, which further clogs the EGR valve and many other parts.

To do this, you have to remove the intake manifold with the EGR valve and the motorized throttle. It is therefore easier to remove the valve later. I also took the opportunity to change all the manifold gaskets, including the gasket between the fasteners with the EGR valve.

But just a little tip so that the screws or bolts do not fall: fix them lightly with a piece of quality paper tape (3/4 of which is glued) on the tightening tool. Once tightened, remove the tool with the tape. In addition, the bolt or screw is better centered on the tool which makes it significantly easier to insert, especially when working “blindly”.

gerritjdijkstra - Reply

Hello and thank you for your comment :)

Indeed it is a good idea!

bossquent -

Good morning,

Great explanations!

On the other hand, I see that you did your tutorial under Oscaro, and I wanted to know what you think of OSCARO which has many problems delivering the parts that we order?

After having had an order for a block from Oscaro, for a diesel filter not available, I will order my brake pads from PARTAUTO.

Good day

alain guillermou - Reply

Good morning,

I order my auto parts on Oscaro in 95% of cases. Sometimes the parts are cheaper on other sites but with higher shipping costs. But everyone is free to do as they wish.

In any case, I never had any problems.



bossquent -

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