Changing the windscreen washer pump Twingo I Phase 1 1.2 55cv
Remove the battery by loosening the rod with a 7 key to more easily access the windshield washer reservoir.
Zone d'intervention
Unscrew the plastic bolt on the right of the tank using a 10 wrench.
Pull the tank towards you and upwards as it is held in place by a small piece pushed underneath (do not remove the pump)
Disconnect the pump plug located on top
Then disconnect the two pipes (just pull a little)
Collect the liquid remaining in the pipe
Empty the reservoir into a container to collect the windshield washer fluid by plugging the pump location with your finger.
Clean the tank then place the new pump
Compare the new windshield washer pump and the old pump
Fill the tank with the recovered liquid or new liquid, checking that there are no leaks.
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