Here I show you how to change the windshield washer pump without having to disassemble the entire Saxo!
- 1 Bucket/basin to collect the windshield washer fluid remaining in the reservoir
- A basic tool kit for removing the mudguard
- A jack to facilitate tank removal (optional)
- New plastic rivets to replace the 5 holding the mudguard.
Let's start by turning the wheels completely to the right. To have maximum visibility for disassembly.
Do not force the mudguard too much, it remains a fragile part.
We can now see the tank with the pump.
Prepare the bucket under the tank
Unclip the electrical inlet and remove the 2 pipes (pull on them a little)
We can reassemble the tank and test that it works properly before putting everything back together. If it works, we put the rest back together and that's it!
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One Comment
Is there a direction for the front and rear washer hoses on the pump