locate the + terminal of the battery
undo it
and put it aside
You can definitely undo the - terminal as well or even disconnect both. I undo the + terminal because it is the quickest.
unscrew the screw on the side, 13mm key
undo the cover locking clip
remove the cover
I have to work on the injection pump on this Partner. That's why the timing covers are not present.
under the car, unscrew and remove the 13mm nut holding the resonator
then unscrew the 2 collars, 7mm key
unclip the resonator tab on the battery holder
I have a bolt on my car instead of the clip, it doesn't change anything.
remove the resonator
There will probably be hoses to unclip, they are caught in clamps fixed to the resonator.
Place a cloth over the flow meter to avoid damaging it.
unscrew the retaining screw at the crosspiece, Torx T20 key
unscrew the clamp at the air box
remove the sleeve
remove the nut from the excitation wire, 8mm wrench and that of the wire + battery, 13mm wrench
dislodge the excitation wire
dislodge the wire + battery
unscrew the 3 starter fixing screws, 8 mm Allen key
The screw that is furthest back does not come out completely; the clutch fork control prevents it from being removed. Just unscrew it, the starter will come out without any problem.
There is a tab that is taken on the gearbox and fixed by a screw from the starter. We will put it aside and put it back in place during reassembly.
take off the starter
and remove it
put the starter in place
It has a centering pin.
screw in the 3 screws by hand
Be careful to put the tab correctly in its housing. It serves as a support for stapling hoses and wires.
finish tightening with the Allen key
I don't have the torque but you have to tighten it quite hard.
put the wire terminal + battery in place
and tighten the nut, 13mm wrench
do the same for the excitation wire, 8mm key
position the sleeve
tighten the collar on the air box, 7mm wrench
screw the retaining screw onto the crosspiece, T20 torx key
remove the cloth and put the resonator in place
fit and tighten the retaining nut at the bottom, 13mm wrench
staple the resonator leg to the battery holder
tighten the clamp at the metering butterfly, 7mm wrench
tighten the collar at the air box, 7mm wrench
Remember to reclip the hoses into their clips on the resonator.
reconnect the + terminal of the battery
test that the car starts
put the engine cover in place, screw in the screw on the side (13mm wrench) and put the clip in place on top
Hello, is the procedure the same for my Berlingo 1.9 D 70 hp van from 2004? Thank you.
Hello, yes it's the same thing