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Vehicle engine 1.4 e 75 hp

Raise and block the front of the vehicle. Remove the front wheels to access the stabilizer bar links.
Using a T30 Torx bit and a 16mm wrench, remove the upper tie rod ball joint nut.

Using a T30 Torx bit and a 16mm wrench, remove the upper tie rod ball joint nut.

Using a T30 Torx bit and a 16mm wrench, remove the upper tie rod ball joint nut.
    • Using a T30 Torx bit and a 16mm wrench, remove the upper tie rod ball joint nut.

In the same way, remove the nut from the lower ball joint.

In the same way, remove the nut from the lower ball joint.

In the same way, remove the nut from the lower ball joint.
    • In the same way, remove the nut from the lower ball joint.

It is advisable to change both connecting rods at the same time

The left and right connecting rods do not have the same reference, they are slightly different
    • It is advisable to change both connecting rods at the same time

    • The left and right connecting rods do not have the same reference, they are slightly different

    • Proceed in the same way as the previous step to remove the connecting rod on the opposite side.

Compare the connecting rods and use the new nuts provided for reassembly.
    • Compare the connecting rods and use the new nuts provided for reassembly.

Place the two connecting rod axles on the supports

Tighten the upper tie rod self-locking nut with the 17 mm socket.

Tighten the upper tie rod self-locking nut with the 17 mm socket.
    • Place the two connecting rod axles on the supports

    • Tighten the upper tie rod self-locking nut with the 17 mm socket.

In the same manner as the upper ball joint, tighten the nut on the lower ball joint

In the same manner as the upper ball joint, tighten the nut on the lower ball joint
    • In the same manner as the upper ball joint, tighten the nut on the lower ball joint

Reinstall the wheels and check for proper operation.

Reinstall the wheels and check for proper operation.
    • Reinstall the wheels and check for proper operation.

Finish Line

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Member since: 01/16/2017

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88 Guides authored


Hello everyone in which direction do the connecting rods point FOR THE LEFT LETTER L ON THE BAR FOR THE RIGHT LETTER R which is the ball joint which is at the top and bottom

Too bad there is no assembly video.

dididubuc - Reply

on the OSCARO site, when I enter the registration of my 207, several brands of connecting rods appear (right and left) but there are 2 different lengths, 330mm and 370mm for one brand. which one is the right one?

Christophe PARDIES - Reply

Hello, when I put the plate of my 207 I only have left connecting rods, no right ones.

Jeremy Vermeulen -

hi; regarding step N05; what is the difference between the left and right connecting rod?

meziani Nasreddine - Reply

Hello The welded ball joints are offset, they are not face to face.

dididubuc -

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