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Video Overview

  1. To access the rear lights, open the trunk The lights are fixed with two screws on the inner side The lights are fixed with two screws on the inner side
    • To access the rear lights, open the trunk

    • The lights are fixed with two screws on the inner side

  2. Unscrew the two screws using the 10 socket then remove them Unscrew the two screws using the 10 socket then remove them
    • Unscrew the two screws using the 10 socket then remove them

  3. Pull the light outward to access the connector plugged into the rear Pull the light outward to access the connector plugged into the rear
    • Pull the light outward to access the connector plugged into the rear

  4. Pull the tab on the connector and then remove it The fire is now free
    • Pull the tab on the connector and then remove it

    • The fire is now free

  5. Pull the tab on the connector and then remove it The fire is now free
    • Pull the tab on the connector and then remove it

    • The fire is now free

  6. Compare the dimensions and connections of the new light with the old one
    • Compare the dimensions and connections of the new light with the old one

  7. Reconnect the connector to the back of the new light Operate the turn signals and brakes to check that the connector is properly connected. Operate the turn signals and brakes to check that the connector is properly connected.
    • Reconnect the connector to the back of the new light

    • Operate the turn signals and brakes to check that the connector is properly connected.

  8. Put the fire back in its location Put the fire back in its location
    • Put the fire back in its location

  9. Tighten the two screws to secure the new tail light Tighten the two screws to secure the new tail light Tighten the two screws to secure the new tail light
    • Tighten the two screws to secure the new tail light

  10. Once the two screws are tightened, the light is fixed Once the two screws are tightened, the light is fixed
    • Once the two screws are tightened, the light is fixed

Finish Line

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