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Video Overview

  1. The engine must be switched off Unscrew the hose clamp then remove the hose. Plug the intake ducts with a rag
    • The engine must be switched off

    • Unscrew the hose clamp then remove the hose.

    • Plug the intake ducts with a rag

    • Disconnect the 4 plugs by pulling upwards

  2. Clean the spark plug ducts using a blower.
    • Clean the spark plug ducts using a blower.

    • Loosen the 4 spark plugs with the spark plug wrench

    • Remove the spark plugs with pliers

  3. Check the correspondence between the old and new glow plugs (thread, size, electrodes)
    • Check the correspondence between the old and new glow plugs (thread, size, electrodes)

  4. Lubricate the spark plug threads with the oil from the dipstick. Screw the 4 spark plugs back in by hand then with the torque wrench Reconnect the 4 plugs
    • Lubricate the spark plug threads with the oil from the dipstick.

    • Screw the 4 spark plugs back in by hand then with the torque wrench

    • Reconnect the 4 plugs

  5. Reconnect the hose by screwing the clamp back on. Perform a test by starting the engine
    • Reconnect the hose by screwing the clamp back on.

    • Perform a test by starting the engine

    • Reposition the engine cover

Finish Line

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One Comment

If possible, grease the threads of the new spark plug with graphite grease, it resists heat (high temperature).

Just grease the first few steps, don't overdo it.

mecalis - Reply

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