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Replacing the fuel filter on Peugeot 5008 Phase 2 -1.6 HDi 115 hp is part of the standard servicing and the replacement is quite simple.

Remove the engine cover

The filter is visible
    • Remove the engine cover

    • The filter is visible

Unlock the connector of the first hose with a flat screwdriver

Disconnect the 1st hose by pulling

Press then pull to disconnect the 2nd hose
    • Unlock the connector of the first hose with a flat screwdriver

    • Disconnect the 1st hose by pulling

    • Press then pull to disconnect the 2nd hose

    • Press then pull to disconnect the 3rd hose

Insert a small flathead screwdriver to unlock the electrical connector and disconnect it

Unlock the purge connector

Unscrew the filter from the holder with a ratchet and an 8mm socket (2 screws)
    • Insert a small flathead screwdriver to unlock the electrical connector and disconnect it

    • Unlock the purge connector

    • Unscrew the filter from the holder with a ratchet and an 8mm socket (2 screws)

    • Pull the filter upwards

    • The filter is full of diesel, use a rag to absorb

Unscrew the 3 torx screws

Separate the filter cover by pulling with small left-right movements

Compare the old and the new fuel filter
    • Unscrew the 3 torx screws

    • Separate the filter cover by pulling with small left-right movements

    • Compare the old and the new fuel filter

Remove the old gasket from the cover

Position the new gasket on the filter

Reposition the cover on the filter using small left-right movements.
    • Remove the old gasket from the cover

    • Position the new gasket on the filter

    • Reposition the cover on the filter using small left-right movements.

Tighten the 3 torx screws

Reposition the filter in the vehicle

Screw the filter back on with the 8mm socket
    • Tighten the 3 torx screws

    • Reposition the filter in the vehicle

    • Screw the filter back on with the 8mm socket

    • Reconnect the 3 hoses and lock the first one

    • Reconnect the electrical connector

    • Lock the purge (1/4 turn)

Pump using the hand pump until it becomes harder (max 10 minutes)

Start the vehicle and let it idle for 5 minutes.
    • Pump using the hand pump until it becomes harder (max 10 minutes)

    • Start the vehicle and let it idle for 5 minutes.

    • If the vehicle stalls, repeat the repriming step

    • Reinstall the engine cover

Finish Line

31 other people completed this guide.

rousseau Pierre

Member since: 07/03/2016

853 Reputation

1 Guide authored


Thanks for the tutorial and your advice. Same: the car restarts and stalls. Repriming with the pump is ineffective. I struggled for 2 hours to assemble / disassemble, pump...

I bought a 100ml syringe with tube (aquarium type), and I directly filled the filter (repositioned in the engine) with +/- 400ml through the white hose (the 2nd), left the green one disconnected (the 3rd) until it overflowed. Remember to open your tank, because an air vacuum is created. To recover the GO during disassembly, the filter is exactly the diameter of a 175cl bottle of coke cut. We recover it to refill (although plan for a top-up!)

You must indeed pay attention to ensuring that the purge is at the bottom, facing the passenger compartment.

Finally, 2-3 pump strokes and 2 kicks of the starter and off we go. Not easy for a first time!

PEUGEOT 5008 1.6 HDI 112Ch from 06/2014

herve.domaniecki - Reply

Do you put the diesel in the white hose or on the inlet where it is clipped?

gregoire -

Super tuto, impeccable, Bravo !

alexandre.kremer - Reply

After pumping for a while the car did not start. Take a picture before removing the filter. Indeed when reassembling, the stop of the purge connector must be positioned under the stop of the filter support (plastic block supporting the filter) in the low position. By pushing the purge connector towards the rear of the vehicle, press on it by pushing it towards the rear so that in the low position the purge connector will lock and close the purge outlet under the filter. Pump for a few moments and try to start. The displacement is not 1/4 but more 1/8 only

mbrahimi1 - Reply

indeed, the problem comes from there! you really must not go beyond this verification, otherwise, there is no point in going any further! Thank you

herve.domaniecki -

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