Operations required to change the diesel filter on Ford Fusion 1.6 TDCI
Pay attention to the special precautions for this engine!
Turn off the vehicle ignition
The diesel filter is located under the air filter unit.
Attention, very important! This engine block does not have a primer bulb and no fuel pump. So it will be imperative to fill the new filter with clean diesel before restarting.
Using a flat head screwdriver, loosen the air intake hose clamp.
Disconnect the electrical plug from the flow meter.
And uncouple the air inlet hose.
The engine cover and filter unit assembly must be pulled upwards to disengage it.
Here is the diesel filter block
Place a clean cloth at the entrance of the air intake hose to the turbo so as not to drop anything in it! Red arrow
Diesel will leak out when you disconnect the hoses, put a rag under the filter.
Unplug the electrical outlet
By pressing the white clip with a screwdriver, disconnect the diesel outlet hose.
Disconnect the diesel supply hose.
To remove the filter unit, press the black tab and pull the assembly upwards.
Check the new filter for matching
You will notice that you have to recover the electrical part on the diesel arrival
The removable part of the filter must be uncoupled. You can use a flat screwdriver to lever at the top arrow.
If they are supplied with the filter, change the O-rings. I used a knife but be careful not to damage the plastic
Re-attach the removable part to the new filter
Very important step otherwise you will not restart!
Using a pipette or any other system, fill the new filter with clean diesel through the inlet on the filter until diesel comes out of the outlet.
Reposition the filter in its housing and reconnect the two hoses and the electrical outlet.
Remove the rag placed on the turbo air intake
Then reposition the engine cover by fitting the intake hose and pressing down to snap it back into place.
Reattach the air inlet hose, tighten the clamp and reconnect the flow meter plug.
Operation completed! Turn on the ignition to activate the circuit then when starting let the engine run for 5 minutes to purge the air from the circuit.
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