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Locate the glove box. Lean over and look to your left.
Locate the cabin filter cover
Pull to the right to remove the cover, do not hesitate because it may show a little resistance.
Do the same on the higher part
Remove the cover
Once the cover is removed, we can see the Cabin Filter
Place a finger on the lower part and pull the filter
The filter may show a little resistance, pull gradually.
Once the filter is removed, look carefully at the direction in which it was previously placed.
Compare the old cabin filter and the new filter (width, thickness, etc.)
Take the new filter and proceed in the same way as for removing the old one.
Insert the
The folds should be horizontal and the "hard" parts on the sides.
Reposition the cover in the same direction (see photo)
Press well
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Hello, I would also like to change the cabin filter but I can't find it. My box is completely different from the one in the demonstration. I have a Sandero 1.6 moi prestige from 2009. Thank you for your help
Hello, I also have the 1.4 mpi model from 2009 and no way to see where the cabin filter is, is there one on this model
Hello, have you found where the cabin filter is because I couldn't find it.
Thank you for your feedback.
Hello and thank you, good explanation, good luck