This tutorial shows you how to replace the air flow meter inlet pipe on Ford Fiesta VI 1.4 TDCi from 2009
Open the engine hood, the air mass meter is located at the inlet of the intake manifold near the battery.
Disconnect the electrical connector from the flow meter, to do this pull on the tab then pull on the connector to disconnect it.
Unclip the air hose clamp using a flat-blade screwdriver to lever it off.
Retrieve the collar so that it does not fall into the engine compartment.
Then pull on the pipe to disconnect it from the flow meter.
Move the pipe slightly apart so as not to hinder the removal of the flow meter.
The flow meter is held on the manifold by two torx screws.
Start by unscrewing the top screw with a Torx T30 screwdriver.
Retrieve the screw, being careful not to drop it.
Then do the same with the lower screw
You can now remove the flow meter, taking care to move the air hose aside.
Check the correspondence between the new and the old flow meter (dimensions, fixings, connector).
Insert the new flow meter into its location, moving the air hose aside.
Then fit the air hose.
Engage the upper screw by hand and tighten it with the Torx T30 screwdriver.
Do the same with the lower screw.
Reconnect the connector plug, making sure to clip it securely.
Replace the hose clamp on the air hose.
Close the clamp using multi-grip pliers.
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