Vehicle engine 1.6 HDi FAP 16V 110 hp
Leaking injector seals are a common problem on PSA's 1.6 HDI engine.
The symptoms are:
- a smell of exhaust gas in the passenger compartment.
- a characteristic sound of compressed air escaping from the combustion chamber.
- exhaust fumes in the engine compartment.
Open the hood and remove the engine cover
The 4 injectors are located in the center
Inspect the injectors with a lamp to find the leak at the engine block. Even if the leak is on only one injector, it is necessary to replace the 4 seals.
The leak is coming from the seal of this injector. There are traces of oil and carbon.
Disconnect the vehicle battery
Disconnect the electrical harness from the 4 injectors
Disconnect the air mass meter connector
Disconnect the last connector from the harness
Use an 8mm hex key to remove the 3 fixing points of the electrical harness support
Remove the electrical harness
Using needle-nose pliers, carefully remove the 4 injector clips without deforming them
Move the diesel hose harness aside without disconnecting it from the rest of the fuel supply circuit.
Start by removing the nuts from the high pressure lines, injector side
Use a 14 key
Push the nuts back up along the pipe. Do not twist the pipe which is still attached on the other side to the common injection rail.
The injector is held by a flange fixed at 2 points on the cylinder head
Use a size 8 hex key on the nuts of the column screws
The injector can now freely exit its injection well
But the seal leak can create a residue of burnt gas. Using a pair of pliers, carefully remove the injector by making small rotating movements.
The faulty copper seal is located at the bottom of the injector well
Use a swab to remove the seal
Compare copper gaskets. The dimensions of the new gasket have been modified by Peugeot to ensure better sealing.
Remove the gasket placed on the engine block at the inlet of the injector well
Clean the seal area and surroundings
Vacuum and clean the inside of the well
Place the injector on a clean work surface. Do not touch the tip when cleaning. Identify the injector according to its cylinder so as not to mix them up when reassembling.
Remove the engine injector protector
Clean the injector body with a degreaser and a clean cloth
Compare injector seals and protector
Position the new elements on the cleaned injector
Place the engine block gasket in the groove
Check that the lip of the seal is correctly inserted into the groove and push lightly with a flat screwdriver
Replace the injector
Tighten the clamp
Tighten the high pressure line nut
Reassemble the injectors
Reassemble the diesel harness and the injector wiring harness
Reconnect the battery
Start the engine and check the injectors for leaks.
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