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Tutorial made on Seat Ibiza III Phase 2 - 1.9 TDi 100cv

Replacing the air filter of a Seat Ibiza III, model year between 2002 and 2008.

  1. The air box indicated by the red arrow.
    • The air box indicated by the red arrow.

  2. There are two cross-head screws to unscrew (indicated by the red arrows) to remove the upper part of the air box (blue circle)
    • There are two cross-head screws to unscrew (indicated by the red arrows) to remove the upper part of the air box (blue circle)

  3. By removing the top of the air box you can see the filter. The blue arrows represent where the air box attaches.
    • By removing the top of the air box you can see the filter. The blue arrows represent where the air box attaches.

    • Remove the air filter .

  4. Here is the view of the lower part of the air box, clean it if leaves or other elements are present.
    • Here is the view of the lower part of the air box, clean it if leaves or other elements are present.

    • Place the new filter inside

    • Compare old and new air filter

  5. Replace the top part of the air box by inserting it into the holes (green arrow).
    • Replace the top part of the air box by inserting it into the holes (green arrow).

    • Tighten the two Phillips screws.

Finish Line

7 other people completed this guide.

Florian Laval

Member since: 11/05/2015

277 Reputation

2 Guides authored


Thanks, can a sports filter be good on a sports mode? Not stupid!

renardcedric673 - Reply

Yes I have a Pipercross foam filter in my original air box on my Ibiza 1.9 tdi 100.

David Marquer -

thanks for the information

lourdi malem - Reply

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