This tutorial shows how to change the advance solenoid valve on Peugeot Partner 1.9d (DW8).
This solenoid valve is a known issue on DW8. The engine knocks at low revs and the knock fades and disappears as the revs increase.
grab the electrical plug next to the accelerator cable: it is just slid onto a metal tab
and pull to dislodge it
the solenoid valve plug is now accessible
dislodge her like the other 2
undo the metal clip from the socket using a small flat screwdriver (do not lose the clip) and disconnect the solenoid valve
remove the rubber cap
No need to cut the collar, the cap comes off by itself.
unlock the solenoid valve using a 27mm flat wrench
place a rag so as not to get diesel everywhere, finish unscrewing by hand and remove the solenoid valve
compare the 2 parts
The reference is the only information needed: the OEM number is 9108152A.
There is a diesel connection (banjo) that you must not forget
insert the solenoid valve inside
make sure the O-ring is present on the other side
It is important not to forget this, otherwise there will be leaks.
screw the solenoid valve in by hand
then lock it using the 27mm key
put the metal clip back into the plug that goes to the solenoid valve
put the 3 plugs back into their housing on the metal tab
put the rubber cap back on the solenoid valve
reassemble the clip
Cancel: I did not complete this guide.
3 other people completed this guide.
I changed this part to fix a leak but the leak is at the cover
In any case, good tutorial.
and for the sieve it wasn't there when I dismantled it so I'm not putting it back
Same problem
Guir -
Hello, I have to change the same solenoid valve on a colleague's car. It comes with a small plastic grid type filter. Do I need to fit it or is it not important?
Isn't there a sieve gasket to slide into the bottom before screwing the new advance solenoid valve back in?